Computer Science at Illinois
Recruitment Brochures
Filed Under
Scope of Project
- Print Collateral
- Graphic Design
As one of the top 5 ranked programs in the country, Computer Science at Illinois is actively recruiting the best and brightest undergrad and graduate students from all over the world. These recruitment brochures are meant to give grads and undergrads an overview of the department, university, and community at large.

Computer Science at Illinois
Recruitment Brochures
—Computer Science at Illinois
Recruitment Brochures
Filed Under
Scope of Project
- Print Collateral
- Graphic Design
As one of the top 5 ranked programs in the country, Computer Science at Illinois is actively recruiting the best and brightest undergrad and graduate students from all over the world. These recruitment brochures are meant to give grads and undergrads an overview of the department, university, and community at large.